

미디어 프레임 쉬프트의 메카니즘에 대한 프레임 연구 : 2009년 노무현 전 대통령의 로비의혹 검찰 수사를 중심으로
미디어 프레임 쉬프트의 메카니즘에 대한 프레임 연구 : 2009년 노무현 전 대통령의 로비의혹 검...
Contents Info
미디어 프레임 쉬프트의 메카니즘에 대한 프레임 연구 : 2009년 노무현 전 대통령의 로비의혹 검찰 수사를 중심으로
미디어 프레임 쉬프트의 메카니즘에 대한 프레임 연구 : 2009년 노무현 전 대통령의 로비의혹 검찰 수사를 중심으로 / 임의택
경기 : 용인송담대학, 2013.
요약 :This study categorized the investigation for 'Alleged lobbying incidents of former president Roh, Mu Hyun' in 2009, through media frame analysis and article analysis, following-up to complement ‘Study on the Media Frame about Case of Korea Former President Roh-Mu Hyun being Prosecuted by Korea Prosecution for Suspicious Scandal 2009’. Also, this study tried to find out what is the fairness of the media which fit into the journalism of new digital-era; when everyone becomes the media. The attitue of the conservative media showed towards ‘investigation of the close people with the former president Roh, Mu Hyun' in 2009 were the furious reaction to let-down of 10 years of progressive party holding the power. And the progressive media put the curses on the paper because they felt betrayed even if they put much expectation and faith. From these cases, this research categorized the attitude of the media as 1) neglect & ignore frame, 2) backbiting frame, 3) mudslinging frame, 4) lowlife frame. Moreover, copy-and-paste practice of Korean media and the show-business casting trend combined altogether, transmutated the incident as a kind of peep show which ignored the truth of fact, and the right of defense and the human right of the suspect. The case was counterevidence that the material development such as economical development of the country, increase of the educated member of society, and the progress of the media can never guarantee the qualitative advance of media. This research tried to discuss the humanist perspective report attitude based on independence from the authority as a standard of fairness of media which fit into the fast-developing new media-era.
Conservative Press
Frame Analysis
Press Fairness
용인송담대학 論文集 : 第11集 2013, 03
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