

獨逸의 團體訴訟 = Verbandsklage in Germany
獨逸의 團體訴訟  = Verbandsklage in Germany / 함영주
Contents Info
獨逸의 團體訴訟 = Verbandsklage in Germany
Material Type  
獨逸의 團體訴訟 = Verbandsklage in Germany / 함영주
Publish Info  
서울 : 용인송담대학, 1998.
Material Info  
pp. 263-284
요약In complex disputes in modern society, individuals cannot match with giant business and entity in terms of their time and resources. For this reason, many countries in the world developed various systems. In Germany only limited Group actions(Verbandsklage) to certain entities are allowed as a rule. There are competitive merchant (Konkurrenten), interest group which exists for the purpose of improving their own commercial interest (Interessenverb nde), consumer group(Verbraucherschutzverb nde), and environmental preservation organization (Naturschutzverb nde). This study makes us to understand German Group Actions(Verbandsklage) and then helps to review Korean Class and Group Action Draft of 1996.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Verbandsklage 團體訴訟 Vollzugsdefizit 권리실현의 곤란 Klagerecht 訴權 Gruppeninteresse 集團利益 Kollektiverecht 집단적 권리 Unterlassungsanspruch 留止請求 Interessenverb nde 營業利益促進團體 Dachverband 상부단체 Naturschutzgesetz 자연보호법 Massenverfahren 집단절차
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
독일의 단체소송 Verbandsklage in Germany
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Host Item Entry  
용인송담대학 論文集 : 第1集 1998, 03
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