

지방회계 인력 전문성 증대방안 = Measures to increase the expertise of local accountants
지방회계 인력 전문성 증대방안 = Measures to increase the expertise of local accountants / ...
지방회계 인력 전문성 증대방안 = Measures to increase the expertise of local accountants
051 용367ㅇ
지방회계 인력 전문성 증대방안 = Measures to increase the expertise of local accountants / 박미희
경기 : 용인예술과학대학교, 2021.
요약 :In recent years, interest in local accounting has increased and measures have been prepared to enhance expertise, but there are doubts about whether incentives act as motives from the perspective of practitioners. Therefore, the following improvement measures are proposed as a way to increase the number of local accounting personnel. First, The introduction of the accounting professional officer system. The professional officer system is a professional public official system that enhances expertise in public officials and allows them to continue to work in fields that require long-term employment. However, since local governments that are still implementing the accounting professional officer system are insignificant, it is necessary to systematically introduce the accounting specialist system. Second, It is the introduction of the accounting responsibility officer system. The accounting responsibility officer system is a system established by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs to more transparently manage the budget execution of local governments, including state subsidies, which are constantly controversial in the local accounting laws. However, although accountability management was introduced in 2015, the local self-government system that is being implemented seems to be very insignificant. Therefore, the government urgently needs the accounting responsibility officer system. Third, It is continuous accounting education to 􍩏 文􈬗 - 6 - strengthen the capacity of accounting officials. The Ministry of Strategy and Finance conducted the "2018 National Accounting Specialized Education" 12 times from June 20 to November 2018 for accounting officials in each department. This was a meaningful education that focused on strengthening professionalism centered on practical cases and operated post-education services, but the problem is that regular education is not being conducted continuously. Since the first Korea Local Government Accounting Awards held last year, each local government has provided a series of accounting officials training, but systematic education is still needed according to continuous and practical-oriented programs to strengthen accounting officials' capabilities. Fourth, This is an improvement plan for the recruitment of new accounting professionals. In order to enhance the expertise of local public officials through the recruitment of new accounting professionals, the goal of system improvement should be to secure excellent manpower. As an approach to achieving this goal, it is a certification addition point system for accounting majors. Currently, five points are given to certified public accountants, tax accountants, and customs certificates in each accounting series, but if the first successful applicants of certified public accountants, tax accountants, and customs agents reflect two additional points, many talents who have not obtained professional certificates are expected to apply for the accounting position. Therefore, it is expected that new recruitment will be sufficiently recruited for accounting positions with basic accounting knowledge.
Local accounting Expertise, Accounting specialist system Local self-government system 지방회계인력 회계인력 회계인력 전문성
논문집 : 第15集 2021, 03
전자적 위치 및 접속  
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