

컬러리스트 전용 12색 포스터컬러의 혼합 색영역에 관한 비교 연구 = A Comparative Study on Mixed Color Gamut of 12 Color Poster Color for Colorist
컬러리스트 전용 12색 포스터컬러의 혼합 색영역에 관한 비교 연구 = A Comparative Study on Mi...
컬러리스트 전용 12색 포스터컬러의 혼합 색영역에 관한 비교 연구 = A Comparative Study on Mixed Color Gamut of 12 Color Poster Color for Colorist
051 용367ㅇ
컬러리스트 전용 12색 포스터컬러의 혼합 색영역에 관한 비교 연구 = A Comparative Study on Mixed Color Gamut of 12 Color Poster Color for Colorist / 이은경
경기 : 용인예술과학대학교, 2011.
기호설명: C=Cyan의 약자, M=Magenta의 약자, Y=Yellow의 약자
요약 :'Mixing Colors' is one of common subjects for the Practical Tests of the National Qualifying Examination for Engineer·Industrial Engineer of Colorist, which is taken on the first class of the Examination day. The purpose of this Test is to evaluate the applicant's ability in reproducing a color by mixing two or more colorant. To perform efficient 'Color Mixing', an applicant should be able to apprehend the principle of mixing colors, predict the result of the mixture and reproduce a specific color by using minimum numbers of colorant. As the applicants are required to use the poster paints within 12 colors to perform the test, some paint manufactures have developed and released new products called "12 color poster paints for colorist" since last year (2010), apart from existing "poster paints for professional". An obvious contrast was detected in color reproducing ability between the products of manufacturer "A" and "S" by using the three primary colors ie, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow which are the most basic colors in Mixing Colors training using colorant, comparing existing paints and new paints of respective manufacturer. In this study, the author wishes to suggest a guidance in selecting proper colorant by comparing existing poster paints for professional and newly released poster paints for colorist in the category of color reproduction ability and to help effective color mixing training.
12 Poster Color for Colorist's 컬러리스트 전용 12색 포스터컬러 Mixing colors 조색 Color gamut 색영역 측색 CIE L*a*b*
논문집 : 第10集 2011, 03
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