

개선된 불리언 검색시스템 사례연구 = Retrieval Effectiveness in Hybrid Boolean System
개선된 불리언 검색시스템 사례연구  = Retrieval Effectiveness in Hybrid Boolean System / 명...
Contents Info
개선된 불리언 검색시스템 사례연구 = Retrieval Effectiveness in Hybrid Boolean System
Material Type  
개선된 불리언 검색시스템 사례연구 = Retrieval Effectiveness in Hybrid Boolean System / 명순희
Publish Info  
서울 : 용인송담대학, 1998.
Material Info  
pp. 99-110
요약Conventional Boolean retrieval system has long been regarded as an efficient information retrieval model owing to the fact that it is relatively easy to implement and processing time is fairly short. However, the lack of a mechanism presenting the closeness to or similarity with the query of retrieved documents has been a major defect of the system. Various research outcomes to complement the Boolean search model while preserving its efficiency are summarized. Several searches were conducted on DIALOG using a hybrid Boolean feature for relevance retrieval, and the results are compared with those of plain Boolean search operation.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
information retrieval Boolean model term weighting relevance rankings TARGET system fuzzy set model probabilistic retrieval
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
개선된 불리언 검색시스템 사례연구 Retrieval Effectiveness in Hybrid Boolean System
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Host Item Entry  
용인송담대학 論文集 : 第1集 1998, 03
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