

그린 마케팅에 있어서의 환경친화적 심볼 = Environment-Friendly Symbols in Green Marketing
그린 마케팅에 있어서의 환경친화적 심볼  = Environment-Friendly Symbols in Green Marketing ...
Contents Info
그린 마케팅에 있어서의 환경친화적 심볼 = Environment-Friendly Symbols in Green Marketing
Material Type  
그린 마케팅에 있어서의 환경친화적 심볼 = Environment-Friendly Symbols in Green Marketing / 박미영
Publish Info  
서울 : 용인송담대학, 1998.
Material Info  
pp. 145-152
요약As environmental conservation becomes a hot social issue, so called Green Consumers who want to protect themselves against environmental pollution increase dramatically. In accordance to this trend, most of big enterprises in Korea have changed their marketing strategy from profit-pursued to consumer-oriented, that is Green Marketing, since the beginning of 1990s. They introduce a variety of environment-friendly symbols as visual identity or corporate identity for their advertisements. This paper is aimed at analysing current trends of such symbols in domestic use, and proposing a direction for improvement. It is found in most of the existing symbols that they lack their own identities due to the use of general or popular colors and patterns. As a result, the symbols fail to differentiate the image of products and enterprises. This seems to be caused by the fact that the enterprises are too much affected by the consumers' demand. The creativity associated with Green Design needs appreciable time, man power and investment. Therefore, it is suggested that our enterprises effectively combine their design effort for environment-friendly symbols with public events, campaigns and cultural activities in which they are involved.
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그린 마케팅에 있어서의 환경친화적 심볼 Environment-Friendly Symbols in Green Marketing
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용인송담대학 論文集 : 第1集 1998, 03
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