

텍스타일 디자인의 과제 및 교육방향에 관한 연구 = A Study on the Problem and the Direction of Education in the Textile Design
텍스타일 디자인의 과제 및 교육방향에 관한 연구  = A Study on the Problem and the Direction...
Contents Info
텍스타일 디자인의 과제 및 교육방향에 관한 연구 = A Study on the Problem and the Direction of Education in the Textile Design
Material Type  
텍스타일 디자인의 과제 및 교육방향에 관한 연구 = A Study on the Problem and the Direction of Education in the Textile Design / 심미숙
Publish Info  
서울 : 용인송담대학, 1998.
Material Info  
pp. 183-198
요약This study is a plan to have competitive power of the textile industry come to a very serious crisis in the present situation.A method of study is to examine present conditions and problems in the korean textile industry and design, also to present the direction of education in the textile design.In the direction of design education, it will be carried out three things - design, fabric development, merchandising - at the same time.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Fashion Merchandising 상품기획 Fabrication 소재기획 Fabric Development 소재개발 Fashionble Finishing 심미성가공 Burn-out Finishing 오팔가공
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
텍스타일 디자인의 과제 교육방향에 관한 연구 A Study on the Problem and the Direction of Education in the Textile Design
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Host Item Entry  
용인송담대학 論文集 : 第1集 1998, 03
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