

한국언어문화탐색 = Pathways into Korean language and culture
한국언어문화탐색  = Pathways into Korean language and culture / 이상억... [等編]
Contents Info
한국언어문화탐색 = Pathways into Korean language and culture
Material Type  
897878609X 93700 : W30000.00
Language Code  
본문언어 - koreng
710.5 이734ㅎ
한국언어문화탐색 = Pathways into Korean language and culture / 이상억... [等編]
Publish Info  
서울 : 박이정, 2003.
Material Info  
662 p. : 圖, 表 ; 23cm.
參考文獻 收錄.
Formatted Contents Note  
완전내용Inter Island and negating / Hyon Sook Choe -- The formation and chang of Laokia노걸대의 성립과 그 변천 / Kwang Chung -- Tow negation forms in Korean : a typological and contrastive approach / Kaou Horie ,Tetsuharu Moriya -- Han'sgul and French orthography : differences and similarities / Jean-Pierre Jaffre -- Invitations to inferences in Korean conversations : contextualization cues revisited / Ki tae Kim -- On the morphological typology of Korean / Yong Kun Ko -- The emergence of internet-language forms and their functions = 인터넷 통신 언어의 발생 동기와 기능 / Jeongbok Lee -- The structure of noun-complementation in Korea / Hyo Sang Lee -- Natural and unnatural expressions in Korean translation = 번역문의 국어와 비국어 / Iksop Lee -- Comparative analysis of ranking of lexical frequency and orthougraphic syllable frequency / Sang-Oak Lee -- Coming and going : deictic verbs in Korean and Japanese / Samuel E. Martin -- On the cognitive conceptualization of speech forms and their metaphoric implementation in Korean = '말'등에 나타난 인지적 개념화와 은유 생성에 대하여 / Youngsoon Park -- South and North Korea : problems of 'divergence' and 'integrity' in the Korean language = 남북한 한국어의 '이질화'와 '동질화' 문제 / Vladimir Pucek -- Some remarks on 'i' in Korean / S. Robert Ramesey -- some observations on the distribution of nominative objects in Korean / Peter Sells -- Consonant aspiration in Korean : a retrospective / David J. Silva -- Non-uniformity in dialectal variation and linguistic change / Hyang-Sook Sohn -- The 'ideal square' of logographic and the structural similarities of khitan script and Han'gul / Nicolas Tranter -- The proto-Korean shape of the 하~'do' / John Whitman -- Modernization and monotheism : how urbanization and westernization have transformed the religious landscape of Korea / Don Baker -- New critical approaches to the short fiction of Hwang Sun-won / Bruce Fulton -- Firmness in adversity and divine beauty : the image of the chrysanthemum in Kim Si-sup's poems / Sonja Ha@ubler -- Contextualizing spiritual folklore in modernity / Chan E. Park -- Scholarly women before confucianization : the case of Hwang Chin-i / Mark Peterson, John Goulde -- A preliminary study of the Kinyo institution in Choson Korea and beyond : from women artists to despised entertainers? / Vincenza D'Urso -- The real, anti-real, and transcendental in four Korean buddhist films / Hyangsoon Yi.
Subject Added Entry-Personal Name  
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Choe, Hyon Sook. ; Inter Island and negating
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Chung, Kwang. ; The formation and chang of <노걸대>의 성립과 그 변천
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Horie, Kaou. ; Tow negation forms in Korean
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Moriya, Tetsuharu
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Jaffre>, Jean-Pierre. ; Han'sgul and French orthography
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Kim, Ki tae. ; Invitations to inferences in Korean conversations
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Ko, Yong Kun. ; On the morphological typology of Korean
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Lee, Jeongbok. ; The emergence of internet-language forms and their functions
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Lee, Hyo Sang. ; The structure of noun-complementation in Korea
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Lee, Iksop. ; Natural and unnatural expressions in Korean translation
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Lee, Sang-Oak. ; Comparative analysis of ranking of lexical frequency and orthougraphic syllable frequency
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Martin, Samuel E. ; Coming and going
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Park, Youngsoon. ; On the cognitive conceptualization of speech forms and their metaphoric implementation in Korean
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Pucek, Vladimir. ; South and North Korea : problems of 'divergence' and 'integrity' in the Korean language
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Ramesey, S. Robert. ; Some remarks on 'i' in Korean
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Sells, Peter. ; some observations on the distribution of nominative objects in Korean
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Silva, David J. ; Consonant aspiration in Korean
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Sohn, Hyang-Sook. ; Non-uniformity in dialectal variation and linguistic change
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Tranter, Nicolas. ; The 'ideal square' of logographic and the structural similarities of khitan script and Han'gul
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Whitman, John. ; The proto-Korean shape of the 하~'do'
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Baker, Don. ; Modernization and monotheism
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Fulton, Bruce. ; New critical approaches to the short fiction of Hwang Sun-won
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Ha@ubler, Sonja ; Firmness in adversity and divine beauty
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Park, Chan E. ; Contextualizing spiritual folklore in modernity
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Peterson, Mark. ; Scholarly women before confucianization
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Goulde, John
Added Entry-Personal Name  
D'Urso, Vincenza ; A preliminary study of the Kinyo institution in Choson Korea and beyond
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Yi, Hyangsoon. ; The real, anti-real, and transcendental in four Korean buddhist films
Pathways into Korean language and culture
인터넷 통신 언어의 발생 동기와 기능
번역문의 국어와 비국어
'말'등에 나타난 인지적 개념화와 은유 생성에 대하여
남북한 한국어의 '이질화'와 '동질화' 문제
Control Number  
한국언어학자로 조지워싱톤대학에서 동아시아 어문학과장을 맡고 있는 김영기 교수의 화갑 기념 논문.
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